15. April 2012
even after 12 years I feel still uncomfortable to invite for my next show before my installation is finished.
But now it´s done and I want to invite you to the group exhibition »Und der Gewinner ist … « at Kunsthaus Nürnberg from 19th of April to 24th of June. You will find there 22 works, all shown at the exhibition series “Kunststudenten stellen aus” of the Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, between the years 1983 and 2011.
The opening will be at the 18th of April, 8 pm
At the 20th of May will be a discussion between Mrs Birgit Suk M.A. from the contemporary art Museum in Nuernberg and me about the problem to preserve contemporary art in a museum.
Curator of the exhibition is Dr Andrea Dippel, director of Kunstvilla Nuernberg.
A catalogue is published by the »Verlag fur moderne Kunst«.
More nformations and download of the folder at: http://www.kunsthaus-nuernberg.de/index.php?id=5
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